Alexis B. - 2016 DRIVE CHIP AND PUTT sub-regional - 3rd PLACE
Following her great performance in the local round, Alexis bested her performance by more than 30 points. 3rd place amongst players who have been competing 4 times as long as her, Alexis should be very proud.
Alexis B. - 2016 Drive Chip and Putt Local - 2nd place
With only 1 full year of training, Alexis entered the Drive, Chip, and Putt without any formal tournament or competition experience. With her placing 1st in Driving and 2nd in Chipping, she was a shoe-in to move to the next round.
Joseph Bentz - 2016 Florida Open *Qualified*
Congratulations to Joe Bentz for qualifying for the 2016 Florida Open Professional Championship. Record numbers applied for qualification in 2016 and Joey was one of 100 who made the cut.