2017 PGA Junior League Golf
ICE Golf Academy decided to throw its hat into the PGA JR LEAGUE golf ring. While we were very concerned if we could field one (1) team, we stood by our teaching philosophy and proceeded forward with faith that if we continue to do the "right thing", we would achieve all that we ask.
We partnered with Little Linksters to form our own league. We were elated to have 5 teams in the league; two (2) of them being ICE Golf Academy and three (3) being Little Linksters. We couldn't have asked for better partners in this endeavor as Little Linksters, under the leadership of Brendon Elliott, were siimply great to work with.
We completed the rainy, yet successful, season on the final day of competition. We were happy that, in our first year, our team of all ICE students won the league. Good play and perseverance vaulted Team #1 to the top. With Team #1 winning the league, coach Vince was named the All-Star team coach and elected 6 of the 10 All-star players from ICE teams. While we were eliminated in the second round of the All-star play, it was an invaluable experience and one to treasure for years to come.