Sigma Pi Phi / PGA Reach / PGA Jr. League Golf

Last year (2016), we were honored to be selected as one of the pilot sites for a wonderful initiative thanks to Anthony Stepney, PGA.  This initiative, the brain child of Sigma Pi Phi fraternity in coordination with PGA Reach and PGA Junior League, was introduced to increase participation in golf and the PGA Junior League among minority communities.  We attracted a large number of students for the pilot (38) and were pleased with the results.

We were happy to announce, in the second year of this initiative, we were selected again, and increased the participation from 38 to 51.  For 2017, our goal is to continue to grow the game of golf and show the benefits of learning this great game.

Each of the first two years, Sandhill Crane Golf Club hosted a year-end event that brought all participating programs in Florida [3] together for a final skills competition.  Seeing more than 100 juniors and their parents descending on a golf course, and there not being one face without a smile, is truly a blessing.


US Kids Golf - Top 50 Teacher Award


2017 PGA Junior League Golf